16 Hangover herbal remedies: natural hangover cures that really work!

Best working hangover herbal remedies
Hangover Herbal Remedies

A hangover is the terrible aftermath of alcohol consumption. It leads to heavy headedness, dizziness, headache, upset stomach and other similar problems. When a person consumes too much of alcohol hangover is bound to happen. A hangover is not a serious problem and its solutions too are simple and easy to follow.

The reason why a person must get rid of a hangover is that it might lead to loss of concentration in work, feeling sleepy and unwell all the time, hence spoiling your daily schedule. For this purpose, it is best to rely on home remedies which are sure shot ways of treating a hangover. Find top hangover herbal remedies that work best!

16 Best working hangover herbal remedies 

The reason why a person must get rid of a hangover is that it might lead to loss of concentration in work, feeling sleepy and unwell all the time, hence spoiling your daily schedule.
  1. Vitamin C Rich Food: Vitamin C is the best hangover doctor. Consuming foods rich in Vitamin C leads to lessening of the hangover effects.
  2. Fruits: Consume fresh citrus fruit juice early in the morning after that late-night party.
  3. Plenty of Water: Consuming lots of water too helps in curing hangovers. Water fights off alcohol after-effects in a major way. 4. Take a glass of water and squeeze one lemon in it. Drinking this solution would help cure a hangover in a major way.
  4. Take Coffee: Consume strong coffee many times a day. This too works very effectively.
  5. Herbal Tea: Peppermint tea or ginger tea also works very effectively.
  6. Tomato Juice: You could also consume tomato juice as the level of Vitamin C is high in it helping ward off the hangover.
  7. Wet sponge: Find a cloth in cold water and put it on your forehead. This brings great relief to the hangover as well as the headache.
  8. Hot Bath: A hot water bath early in the morning is not only rejuvenating but also brings relief from a hangover.
  9. Banana peels water: Dip fresh banana peels in a cup of water. Cool this water by keeping in the refrigerator for some time and drink it.
  10. Head Massage: Go for a good head massage. This works wonderfully in making you feel light-headed and help you get relief from the headache.
  11. Chocolate drink: Before the person dozes off to sleep after the great alcohol consumption, make him or her drink chocolate milk. You would notice that the hangover is quite lesser than what you expected it to be.
  12. Lime Juice: Take some water, add little fresh lime juice and some sugar. Drink this solution to get relief from the hangover.
  13. Before Alcohol Intake: Remember to consume food with alcohol. This would help a great deal in lessening the hangover the next day.
  14. Black Coffee: Prepare black coffee with no sugar. Add a few drops of lemon juice to it and drink it. This works great.
  15. Thyme Juice: Put thyme leaves in hot water and then cool it down until the water is warm. Drink it. This heals the hangover to a great extent.

So the next time you are about to have that late-night party plus the booze remember these natural hangover cure tips to save yourself from the hangover!