7 Best Batana Oil benefits : Ingredients | Process of Extraction

Batana oil is extracted from the nuts of the Elaeis Oleifera aka American Oil Palm, which is native to South America. The ‘miracle oil’ has been used for centuries by indigenous cultures for its myriad of healing and hair growth properties, including its ability to stimulate hair growth, reduce shedding, and strengthen and protect existing … Read more

9 ultimate Sencha tea benefits for health

Sencha tea is a type of green tea that has become popular in recent years due its many health benefits. Not only is it delicious, but it has a number of advantages over other types of tea, such as black or oolong teas. Let us find out the amazing Sencha tea benefits for health. Sencha tea … Read more

Low Carb Snacks for Diabetics: Keep Yourself Energized

Managing diabetes is no easy feat, and finding nutritious snacks that are also low in carbs can be a challenge. Fortunately, there are plenty of delicious low carb snacks for diabetics that will help to keep your energy levels up and your blood sugar levels in check. In this blog post, we’ll explore some of … Read more

Can Cancer Be Treated Without Chemotherapy? Alternative treatment options

One of the serious medical diseases that need prompt and effective treatment is cancer. When a patient is given a cancer diagnosis, the doctor recommends the best course of action. The primary determinants include the cancer’s kind, stage, location inside the body, and extent. Chemotherapy is thus the most widely used form of cancer treatment … Read more

What are the Main Causes of Thyroid Problems?

The thyroid gland serves many purposes within our bodies. It regulates our metabolism, it is partially responsible for cellular growth and it helps us convert food into an accessible source of energy. Unfortunately, there can be times when the thyroid ceases functioning as it should. These problems can manifest themselves in the form of hypothyroidism … Read more

Top Seven Health Benefits Of Bicycling Riding

 Bicycle riding is a form of aerobic exercise, so it can help strengthen your heart. Studies have also shown that it can reduce the risk of heart disease. In fact, there was a study done in Britain that involved 10,000 civil servants. The results of the study showed that the subjects were able to cut … Read more

Gluten free easy Healthy Peanut Butter Cookies for diabetics :DIY

Seems impossible right?  Haha, well you’re wrong! This is the first of many gluten-free recipes that I’ll be posting and sharing on my blog. I was watching food network with my mom and saw Paula Deen making what she called “Magical Peanut Butter Cookies“. I made these for my family and they couldn’t get enough … Read more

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